Scientific computing

(for the rest of us)

Error handling with try

In previous modules, we have used a try/catch statement. In this module, we will go into some detail about what it means, and how to use them to write code that handles errors gracefully.

A very important design principle of this course is that we write and demonstrate code that will not fail. In practice, mistakes happen, and there are errors we cannot fully anticipate. But we are convinced that anytime we think an error can happen, it must be handled.

Let us start with a good example - we can try to get the natural log of negative two, which is quite obviously not going to work. A really nice thing with Julia errors is that they all have a type:

catch error
    @info "I caught a $(typeof(error))"
[ Info: I caught a DomainError

Not only do they have a type, they have a type hierarchy!

DomainError <: Exception

Errors are nested under Exceptions, which is a very nice way to think about them – it’s not that something went wrong (it did!), but something went wrong that we did not anticipate in our code. It sounds trivial, but the point of code is to have it run without erroring: first by ensuring that we run things that make sense, and second by handling exceptions appropriately.

We can use the type system to dispatch on exceptions. To illustrate this, we can write a function whose sole purpose is to generate exceptions.

function oops()
    rand() < 0.5 && (DimensionMismatch("oh noes") |> throw)
    rand() < 0.5 && (DomainError("lol wut?") |> throw)
    rand() < 0.5 && (MethodError("sike you thought") |> throw)
    return ErrorException("oopsie") |> throw
oops (generic function with 1 method)
This is actually terrible practice. Just awful. The worst. All of these exception types are not just ways to halt the execution of your program, but ways to communicate what went wrong to your user. Do not throw a random exception, and remember that you can define your own!

This has 50% chance of returning a DimensionMismatch, then a 50% chance of a DomainError, then a 50% chance of of MethodError, then in anycase an ExceptionError. Note that exceptions are not passed throught the return keyword, but throught the throw function – this is probably a good idea to have a look at the documentation for throw when you are done reading this module.

Because our function will throw an exception, we will wrap it in a try/catch block:

catch err
    @info "I caught a $(typeof(err))"
[ Info: I caught a DomainError

It’s all well and good, but we want to handle each type of error separately! We can write a function call oops_handler, and have it do different things for different error messages:

oops_handler(::E) where {E <: Exception} = "I caught an error of the type $(E)"
oops_handler (generic function with 1 method)
In practice, the oops_handler would do much more interesting things. For example, it can try to fix the issue in the original function, or exit a loop, or an infinite number of variations of things
catch err
"I caught an error of the type DimensionMismatch"

Because this is all dispatch, we can refine the behavior of the oops_handler based on different types of errors:

oops_handler(::DimensionMismatch) = "The dimensions of your input arguments are wrong"
oops_handler(::MethodError) = "There is no available method here"
oops_handler(::DomainError) = "The input value is outside the correct domain"
oops_handler (generic function with 4 methods)

Let’s now do a simple loop, and see what we get!

for i in 1:10
    catch err
        @info oops_handler(err)
[ Info: The dimensions of your input arguments are wrong
[ Info: The dimensions of your input arguments are wrong
[ Info: The dimensions of your input arguments are wrong
[ Info: The input value is outside the correct domain
[ Info: The dimensions of your input arguments are wrong
[ Info: I caught an error of the type ErrorException
[ Info: The dimensions of your input arguments are wrong
[ Info: The dimensions of your input arguments are wrong
[ Info: I caught an error of the type ErrorException
[ Info: The input value is outside the correct domain

Notice that our code is able to handle different types of exceptions, thanks to the magic of dispatch and the use of try/catch.

But what if the code worked? This might seem like a stretch of the imagination, but it happens! And try/catch blocks can very easily be extended to accomodate this uncommon situation. Enter the finally keyword, and the else keyword we already encountered when talking about Booleans values.

Let’s try with something that is going to throw an exception, because we make it:

    throw(ErrorException("This is not going to work"))
catch error
    @info "I got a $(typeof(error))"
    @info "This part runs because there is no exception!"
    @info "This part will always run no matter what!"
[ Info: I got a ErrorException
[ Info: This part will always run no matter what!

And now, compare with something that is not throwing an exception:

catch error
    @info "I got a $(typeof(error))"
    @info "This part runs because there is no exception!"
    @info "This part will always run no matter what!"
[ Info: This part runs because there is no exception!
[ Info: This part will always run no matter what!

The else and finally keywords are very important! The content of the else block will only run if no exception was thrown, and the content of the finally block will run no matter what happens. Here is a good use-case:

catch err

In a lot of cases, we do not want the analysis to progress until the previous steps are done well – this is a situation where try works perfectly, with the added benefit of easily letting us specify what we want to do for each type of exception, in case of a success, in case of a failure, and regardless of the outcome. The try/catch construct is very powerful (and very under-used by novice programmers!).