Scientific computing

(for the rest of us)

Downloading files

In this module, we will see how Julia allows downloading files from the internet, and how we can decide where to store them. This is a common task when getting external data, and will be the basis of a number of advanced training modules in the final section of this material.

The Downloads package is part of the standard library, and is one of the simplest package we can think of: it only exports a single function, called download, whose purpose is to download things. Would that programming were always that easy.

import Downloads

By default, download will store the download in a temporary file, which as we saw before, will be stored in tempdir(). To illustrate, we can download the “seeds” dataset (we will use it in a later advanced example):

seeds_url = ""
raw_seeds_file =
In versions of Julia before 1.6, the Base package also exported a download function, but it is slowly being phased out. The version provided by Downloads has a lot more flexibility, and should be used.

Note that calling download has returned a path to a temporary file. We can also specify where things should be stored, using a second argument to download:

raw_seeds_file =, "seeds.txt")

We can check that the file exists:


One advantage of the download function is that it can be tweaked to display a progress indicator, using a callback function.

A Callback function is any function that is executed on the side of the important process, in order to update the user on the progress, or to check that the conditions of executions are still met.

The progress callback we will use here is simply displaying the (rounded) percentage of the file that has been downloaded. Because the file is very small, it will jump to 100% almost immediately, but this would be more informative with longer downloads, and a package like ProgressMeter to display an actual progressbar.

function progress_callback(total::Integer, now::Integer)
    if total > 0
        @info "Progress: $(rpad(Int(round(now/total * 100; digits=0)), 4))%"
progress_callback (generic function with 1 method)

We can now add this callback to our download function:

raw_seeds_file =; progress = progress_callback)

The download function has a few additional options we can use, like setting a timeout for long downloads, or using a different downloader like curl or wget. In most cases, these options are not required, and getting a single file from a remote location is very straightforward.